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BG-0001: Governance Commitment

BG-0001: Governance Commitment

The School Board will be guided in its decisions by the following Mission and Belief Statements:

Mission Statement:

Mounds View Public Schools will prepare all students for post-secondary opportunities of their choice through a broad range of programs that set high expectations and inspire outstanding achievement.

Belief Statements:

  1. We believe we must frequently assess and evaluate student performance and program effectiveness in order to assure continuous growth and improvement for all students.
  2. We believe a shared decision-making process and collaborative relationships with parents, teachers and the community are essential for school improvement and for students to achieve at high levels.
  3. We believe programs and services must be in place at all schools to ensure that race, class and disability will not predict students’ success.
  4. We believe students’ academic performance should not fall into patterns identifiable by factors such as race, ethnicity, English language proficiency, socio-economic status and disability.
  5. We believe that the school a student attends should not be the predictor of his or her success in school.
  6. We believe that in order to address achievement gaps, schools must first address the gaps that exist in the aspirations students hold for their future, the opportunities available to them and the expectations schools have of their students.
  7. We believe that examining the achievement gap requires not only a comparison of student groups to each other but also a comparison of each student group’s performance to a series or indicators that measure college and career readiness.
  8. We believe that students must adopt positive mindsets to increase their likelihood of success in college or other post-secondary opportunities.


The School Board, supporting the work of staff, the welfare of students and the interest of the community, holds itself accountable to the citizens of the Mounds View Public Schools by ensuring that all action it takes is consistent with the School Board’s policies and beliefs.

In the fulfillment of this charge, the School Board is committed to rigorous, continual improvement of its capacity to govern effectively through policy by defining its concerns in terms of values and its vision in terms of expectations.

Monitoring Method: Board self-assessment
Monitoring Frequency: Annually in August
Adopted: June 25, 2002
Revised: December 12, 2017
Reviewed: April 9, 2024


  • E. Board Governance (BG 0001-0404)
BG-0001: Governance Commitment

The School Board, supporting the work of staff, the welfare of students and the interest of the community, holds itself accountable to the citizens of the Mounds View Public Schools by ensuring that all action it takes is consistent with the School Board’s policies and beliefs.

In the fulfillment of this charge, the School Board is committed to rigorous, continual improvement of its capacity to govern effectively through policy by defining its concerns in terms of values and its vision in terms of expectations.
