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BA-0300: Performance Review of the Superintendent

BA-0300: Performance Review of the Superintendent

The School Board is responsible for an annual evaluation of the performance of the Superintendent.  The Superintendent’s involvement is also an integral part of the process.

Job Expectations

In June the Board, in collaboration with the Superintendent, will review the Superintendent’s job description.  During that month the Board, Superintendent, and Cabinet will draft a tentative District Operational Plan for the coming school year.  By July 15, the Board and Superintendent will develop specific goals and objectives with measurable outcomes; evaluation criteria; an evaluation form; and a plan for completing the process.  The School Board will give its final approval of the District Operational Plan by August 15.

Superintendent’s Mid-Year Status Report

By January 15 of each year, the Superintendent will submit, at an official School Board meeting, a written mid-year status report addressing all major goal areas.   Prior to the second Board meeting in February, the report along with any concerns and questions will, in an informal meeting process, be reviewed by the Board and Superintendent in closed session.  At the second Board meeting in February the Board Chair or designee will capsulize the discussion.

Superintendent’s Year-End Report

By June 1 of each year the Superintendent will submit a final written report to the Board on goals, objectives and outcomes.  


The formal review will take place by June 30 after the end of each contract year.  The Superintendent Performance Evaluation Instrument will be given to Board members by a member of the Superintendent’s staff for completion.  The Superintendent will prepare a self-evaluation.

Board members will individually complete the evaluation form.  In a closed session, Board members will discuss their individual evaluation.  One composite evaluation will be completed based on direction from the majority of the Board.  The Board will arrive at final ratings and comments and the results will be discussed in a closed meeting between the Board and the Superintendent.

The Superintendent may submit a written response to the evaluation.

At the final Board meeting of the fiscal year, the Board Chair or designee will capsulize the evaluation.

Contract Modification

As a result of the annual evaluation, a recommended salary adjustment may be proposed and acted upon at the final Board meeting of the fiscal year.  In separate action the Board may award performance incentive pay according to contract stipulations.  Following that action a jointly signed agreement will be attached to the Superintendent’s contract reflecting salary adjustments and performance incentive pay.


Rationale: The Superintendent is the only employee directly accountable to the School Board.



Adopted: July 09, 2002
Reviewed: November 14, 2023


  • C. Board / Superintendent Association (BA 0001-0300)
BA-0300: Performance Review of the Superintendent

The Superintendent is the only employee directly accountable to the School Board.
