Our Testing Program
Mounds View Public Schools uses a number of tests and assessments to measure student performance and progress including District measurement systems, national rankings and state-mandated testing.
Teachers and deans at schools throughout the District use assessments to monitor student progress to get a long-term perspective of gains and proficiency. Assessment results are tracked for every student and viewed by teachers who use the results to tailor their instructional approaches and to help create challenging, but attainable goals for the students. Families can view students' standardized assessment results through ParentVUE.
Student Test History available in ParentVUE
By logging into the ParentVUE portal, families can view historical test results standardized assessments administered at Mounds View Public Schools. These assessments include: Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA), NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP-GROWTH), ACT and Advanced Placement exams. Look for the ViewPoint Test History option in the left-side navigation bar, or use this Accessing Test History Guide. If families need access to ParentVue or need help accessing their account, please consult the ParentVue Help Page.
For more information, contact the Research, Evaluation and Assessment department at 651-621-6042.
- MN Assessment
- Advanced Placement Testing
- World Language Assessments
- MN Student Survey
- Achievement & Integration Plan Summary
- Research Request Information
- Links
MN Assessment
The Minnesota Department of Education has provided the following information to be shared with families:
The statewide assessments are how Minnesota measures that curriculum and daily instruction in schools are being aligned to the academic standards, ensuring all students are being provided an equitable education.
The Minnesota Department of Education has created these Parent Resources that answer questions about each statewide assessment:
Parent Resources:
MCA Parent Fact Sheet ENGLISH MCA Parent Fact Sheet SPANISH MCA Parent Fact Sheet SOMALI
MCA Parent Fact Sheet HMONG MCA Parent Fact Sheet ARABIC MTAS Parent Fact Sheet ACCESS Parent Fact Sheet
Statewide Testing Calendar
In accordance with Minnesota Statute 120B.301 subd.(c), posted below is the Mounds View Public Schools Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) Testing Schedule. Please consult your student's school or teacher communications for exact dates and times for testing.
- Mounds View Public Schools ACCESS for ELLs Administration Dates:
- Grades K-12: January 27 - March 21
- 2024-25 Mounds View ACCESS for ELL's Administration Dates by School, Grade & Domain
- Mounds View Public Schools MCA/MTAS Administration Dates:
- Grades 3-8, 10, & 11: March 3 - May 9
- 2024-25 Mounds View MCA Administration Dates by School, Subject & Grades
Student Participation in Statewide Assessments
Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.31, subdivision 4a. Student Participation requires MDE to publish a form for parents/guardians to complete if they refuse to have their student participate in state-required standardized assessments and for districts to include MDE’s form on their district website. The Parent/Guardian Guide to Statewide Testing document provides some basic information to help parents/guardians make informed decisions that benefit their child and their school and community. The form to meet this legislative requirement is available at the link below:
Parent/Guardian Participation Guide and Refusal Information - Please submit this form to the administrator at the school your student attends.
የወላጅ/አሳዳጊ የተሳትፎ መመሪያ እና የእምቢታ መረጃ - AMHARIC
دلیل مشاركة ولي الأمر/الوصي ومعلومات الرفض - ARABIC
Parent/Guardian Participation Guide and Refusal Information - KAREN
Qajeelfama Hirmaannaa fi Odeeffannoo Diddaa Maatii/Guddisaa - OROMO
Руководство по участию родителей/опекунов и информация по отказам - RUSSIAN
Hagaha Ka Qaybqaadashada Waalidka/Masuulka iyo Macluumaadka Diidmada - SOMALI
Guía y negación de permiso para la participación del estudiante - SPANISH
Hướng Dẫn Tham Gia Dành Cho Phụ Huynh/Người Giám Hộ và Thông Tin Từ Chối - VIETNAMESE
Mounds View Schools will also accept, from a parent or guardian, a written letter or email expressing their request to have their student not participate in Minnesota Assessments. It is helpful if the test name/subject and the reason for not participating is also included, as Mounds View Schools must submit this information to the Minnesota Department of Education.
For more information on the Statewide Testing, go to:
Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Statewide Testing for Students and Families Webpage
MN Report Card
The results on statewide testing, including the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments and the ACCESS for the ELs 2.0, as well as other demographic information and performance indicators are published annually in the MN Report Card.
Advanced Placement Testing
2025 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams: May 5th - May 16th, 2025
Second Semester AP EXAM REGISTRATION DEADLINE - Friday, February 21st, 2025
AP students enrolled in second semester only AP classes that start January 27th will register and pay for their AP second semester only exams during a second registration window beginning January 27th through the February 21st registration deadline. The cost for each exam is $75.00. Additional information will be provided and mailed home to families in January 2025.
AP students enrolled in full year and first semester AP courses, as well as independent (self study) students, may continue to register for their AP exams until the FINAL registration deadline for ALL students on February 21st, 2025. However, College Board will now charge an additional $40.00 non-refundable late fee for registrations after the October 4th registration deadline (with the exception of AP second semester only courses) and the exam registration fee is now $115.
The FINAL deadline for all AP students to register for an AP exam is Friday, February 21st, 2025.
PLEASE NOTE - College Board will be charging a cancellation fee this year and, as a result, refunds will not be issued for students that cancel or decide not to take an exam after the registration deadline.
Students with IEP or 504 plans should contact their Dean or Case Manager before December 13th, 2024 to discuss the possibility of testing with accommodations for their AP exams. Students wishing to waive their approved AP accommodations must notify their dean in writing by April 18th, 2025.
For students planning to take AP exams in May 2025, two important steps need to be completed to register for their AP exam(s):
- Step 1-Join and Enroll in AP Course Online: Students enrolled in an AP class will sign in to and perform the required digital activation and enrollment process in class with their teacher. A join code will be required from the teacher to complete the enrollment. (Students that are not enrolled in an AP class first semester should email for a join code and registration information.) AND:
- Step 2-Register and Pay for AP Exam(s): Parent/guardians will register and pay for the AP exam(s) using the online SmartSchoolK12 payment system.
IMPORTANT – students and families enrolled in the Educational Benefits Program (Free and Reduced Lunch) will still need to register and pay for their exam(s) in the SmartSchoolK12 payment system (step 2 above) to complete their registration process. When registering and paying online in SmartSchoolK12, the amount due will show $0 when checking out.
SmartSchoolK12 - REGISTER HERE – registration will be open and activated September 3rd, 2024
AP Exam Registration and Payment Instructions
If registration is completed after the October 4th deadline an additional $40 College Board fee will apply (with the exception of AP second semester only courses).
Families with students enrolled in AP courses can expect to receive a mailing with registration information the beginning of September.
Exam Fee – The cost for each exam is $75.00 before the October 4th registration deadline. All AP exam registrations or changes after the October 4th deadline (except second semester only courses) will incur an additional $40 College Board late fee and will cost $115 per exam ($75+$40=$115).
Refunds – College Board charges a cancellation fee and, as a result, refunds will not be issued for students that cancel or decide not to take an exam after the November 1st cancellation deadline.
LATE Exam Administration Fees – Students may incur additional College Board fees for exams taken during the late exam administration May 19th - 23rd.
EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS PROGRAM (Free and Reduced Lunch) – Students and families who are enrolled in the Educational Benefits program (Free or Reduced Lunch) qualify for FREE AP exams. Families will still need to register and pay for their exam(s) in the SmartSchoolK12 payment system to complete their registration process. When registering and paying online in SmartSchoolK12, the amount due will show $0 when checking out.
**NEW 2025 Digital AP Exams**
Students will need a fully charged school issued Chromebooks for all exams
Fully digital AP subjects using BlueBook app—no paper testing option available: |
Hybrid digital AP subjects — students will view all of the exam questions in Bluebook. Multiple choice questions will be answered digitally while free-response questions will be completed in a paper booklet: |
Fully Digital on school issued laptops using CJAP app: |
AP Comparative Government and Politics
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
AP Environmental Science
AP European History
AP Human Geography
AP Latin
AP Psychology
AP United States Government and Politics
AP United States History
AP World History: Modern
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
AP Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Physics: Mechanics
AP Precalculus
AP Statistics
AP Chinese Language and Culture
AP Japanese Language and Culture
Only Speaking component digital on DAC app:
AP French Language and Culture
AP German Language and Culture
AP Italian Language and Culture
AP Spanish Language and Culture
College Board Student Account Help - help for signing in to and signing up for a student College Board account
College Board AP Students website
AP Exam Registration and Payment Instructions
2024-25 AP Fall Registration Newsletter
Benefits of AP Exams - Spanish
AP Learning Resources - Spanish
AP Accommodation Waiver Template
Email all questions and inquiries to
Beginning July 2025, AP exam scores will be released. Students can access and view their AP scores and order additional score reports for colleges, universities, and scholarship programs by logging into their online student College Board account at
Additional information about AP exam scores can also be found on the College Board website
Students will be able to:
- View, download, and print their scores.
- Send scores electronically to colleges, universities, and scholarship programs.
- The deadline for students to designate one free score report recipient in their MyAP account is June 20th.
- College Board will charge a fee for students to send score reports to additional colleges. The additional score reports will cost $15 for regular processing and $25 for rush processing.
- The additional score report fee can be paid by credit card. To pay by check or money order students can mail a written request to AP Services.
- Review and track their cumulative score report and the status of all orders, which includes scores from all AP Exams they’ve ever taken, unless they’ve canceled or withheld scores.
- The deadline for students to designate one free score report recipient in their MyAP account is June 20th.
Helpful Tips:
- Students will need to use their College Board account in order to access their AP scores online at Students should sign in with the same account they used to register and enroll in their AP class sections.
- If a student has forgotten their username or password, they can select the “Forgot Username” or “Forgot Password” links and an email will be sent with their login information.
- Students should not create a new account if they already have one. Duplicate accounts can cause delays in getting AP scores.
- If a student changes their email address, it’s important to update it in their College Board account.
About Sending AP Scores
Students may indicate one college, university, or scholarship program to receive a FREE copy of their AP score report. June 20 is the deadline for students to indicate the recipient of their free score report through My AP.
To do this, students must:
- Sign in to MyAP.
- Go to MyAP Profile
- Click the Score Send tab.
- Enter the college, university, or scholarship program, select it, and click Save.
The score report includes all scores from all the AP Exams students took in the past. The entire score history will be sent to the designated college, university, or scholarship program unless a student chooses to withhold or cancel any of their scores.
Students can request a score report be sent to additional recipients for a fee. For more information, visit the College Board Send AP Scores Online webpage or contact College Board at 888-225-5427.
If you have questions, you may also contact the district Assessment office at
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is co-sponsored by the College Board and National Scholarship Corporation. The PSAT/NMSQT is a digital standardized test that most high schools in the United States administer to 11th grade students. Considered to be a “preliminary SAT,” the PSAT test gives students a sense of the format, question types, content, and time limits that they will encounter on the SAT, should they take it. Additionally, the PSAT test serves as a qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. This means that some of the highest scoring students may win scholarship money. Ultimately, the PSAT test is good practice for the SAT and ACT, college admission tests that students often have to take to be admitted to 4-year colleges.
Release schedule for student PSAT/NMSQT score reports:
Starting on Thursday, October 24, students who tested on October 9, 2024 will be able to access their PSAT/NMSQT score report
Starting on Thursday, November 7 students who tested on October 17, 2024 will be able to access their PSAT/NMSQT score report.
Starting on Thursday, November 14 students who tested on October 29, 2024 will be able to access their PSAT/NMSQT score report.
How Students can access their scores
Students may access their PSAT/NMSQT score report in 3 ways:
- Students who entered their mobile phone number at the time of testing may download and use the BigFuture® School app to access their score
- If they have one, students can utilize their personal College Board account to view their scores online at
- Students can consult with their dean.
Supporting Students/Families in Interpreting the Results
Check out the following PSAT/NMSQT Score Resources:
- PSAT/NMSQT: Understanding Scores for Students and Families (.pdf/3.48 MB): Share with students and their families to help them interpret their PSAT/NMSQT score report and find information about next steps.
- Understanding Your Digital PSAT/NMSQT Score Report video: You can direct students to this video, which will help them interpret their score report.
For more information, visit the College Board PSAT/NMSQT Scores website.
Test Date: October 9th OR October 17th, 2024. Students choose which date works best.
Time: Students should arrive at 8:30am, exam will begin at 9:00am.
Location: Students will test at their high school
Who: 11th grade students who want to participate in the National Merit Scholarship Program self-select or may be encouraged to take this exam. It is also recommended that any junior who expects to go to college take the exam as preparation for future nationally-normed standardized tests (SAT or ACT, for example), which are administered later in the junior year.
Registration: Students and families can begin to register Monday, August 19th, 2024. The final registration deadline is Friday, September 20th, 2024 at 3:00pm. Registrations will be processed online using the SmartSchoolK12 payment system.
SmartSchoolK12 - REGISTER HERE
PSAT/NMSQT SmartSchoolK12 Registration Instructions
Cost: $25.00 ~ Students and families enrolled in the Educational Benefits Program (Free and Reduced Lunch) qualify for a free exam. The amount due will show $0 during the checkout process when completing the online registration (above).
Homeschool and Out of District Students: Homeschool and public school students attending Mounds View High School and Irondale High School are welcome to register for the PSAT/NMSQT exam, however, this test administration is reserved only for students in the Mounds View School district. Students from other Minnesota Public Schools should contact the school they are enrolled at in regards to support with accessing this exam. For information on how to register, please email the Mounds View Schools Assessment department at:
PSAT/NMSQT Resources:
College Board PSAT/NMSQT Website - visit the website for additional resources and information
PSAT/NMSQT SmartSchoolK12 Registration Instructions
PSAT/NMSQT Terms and Conditions
Preparing for PSAT/NMSQT video
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or need assistance, email the Mounds View Schools Assessment department at
Students participate in courses taught by high school staff and can receive college credit by scoring 50 or better on the CLEP exam.
Complete the CLEP Registration Form and indicate on the form the exam(s) you would like to take. Checks should be made payable to MOUNDS VIEW PUBLIC SCHOOLS.
Return the CLEP registration form and payment to:
- Mounds View HS students - Alex Pijoan in the Student Services office
- Irondale HS students - Tina Beimert in the Student Services office
Exams will be taken at the high school the student attends during one of four testing windows: Mid-November, Mid-January, Mid-May or Mid-July. The exact date and time will be determined by the high school and communicated to students upon registration.
- IDHS 2024-25 Testing Dates:
November 14, 2024;January 14, 2025; May 19, 2025 - MVHS 2024-25 Testing Dates:
November 13, 2024;January 15, 2025; May 28, 2025
Additional CLEP Resources:
CLEP Exam Study Guides - access links to download and print exam study guides.
College Board CLEP Test Preparation Website - for test preparation materials and tutorials.
College Board CLEP Website - for additional information about CLEP testing.
CLEP Test and ARCC Equivalencies
What is the Difference Between the CLEP & AP Exams?
CLEP Exam and AP Equivalencies
For additional information about CLEP testing at your school, please contact:
- IDHS: Tina Beimert, Student Services - 651-621-6825 or
- MVHS: Alex Pijoan, Student Services - 651-621-7139 or
- District Center: Connie O'Connell, District Assessment Supervisor - 651-621-6043 or
World Language Assessments
The Mounds View Public School District offers 3 assessments geared toward awarding College Credits for our Bilingual or Multilingual High School students in 10th, 11th and 12th grades.
MN Bilingual Seals Program |
French, German, Latin, Italian Spanish, Chinese, Japanese |
French, German Spanish, and Spanish with Writing |
25 Languages Amharic, Arabic,, Somali, Oromo, Mandarin Chinese (Mandarin), Vietnamese, Hmong, Czech, and many more |
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking (Qualifies for the MN Bilingual Seals) |
Listening and Reading and/or Writing (does not qualify for the MN Bilingual Seals Program) |
Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking (Qualifies for the MN Bilingual Seals) |
Irondale and Mounds View High Schools May 5 - May 16, 2025 |
Irondale High School - November 14, 2024; January 14, 2025; and May 19, 2025 Mounds View Senior High School - November 13, 2024; January 15, 2025; and May 28, 2025 |
February 10-21, 2025 |
Oct. 3, 2025 |
Registration is ongoing throughout the school year. Please contact Tina Beimert for Irondale and Alex Pijoan for Mounds View. |
Jan. 30, 2025 |
AP College Credit Policy |
See College Credit info below |
***Students should opt for 1 of the assessments stated above that best matches their Post-Secondary plans.
The MN Department of Education created the Bilingual and Multilingual Seals and the World Language Proficiency Certificate in an effort to support students' achievement in a language other than English regardless of how the language was learned. Mounds View Public Schools District is excited to provide this opportunity and elevate all families with linguistic assets and encourage monolingual English speakers to learn another language.
The Bilingual and Multilingual Seals and World Language Proficiency Certificate are awards given to high school students (upon graduation) who meet 2 requirements:
- Proficiency levels in languages other than English including American Sign Language (ASL) and American Indian languages. Students must show proficiency in four language modalities - Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking through a MN Department of Education approved assessment.
- Meet all High School Language Arts credit requirements
EARN UP TO 4 FREE COLLEGE CREDITS at one of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MNSCU)
Amharic, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Czech, Dakota, German, French, Hindi, Hebrew, Hmong, Italian, Japanese, Karen, Korean, Latin, Ojibwe, Oromo, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tamil and Vietnamese, ASL
- Students in Grades 10, 11 or 12 are eligible.
Note: The World Language Proficiency Certificate can be awarded at any grade. However, the student can only earn college credit when they take an approved assessment (starting in 10th grade) and meet English Language Arts upon graduation.
- Fill out the Registration Form or contact Malika Sadi-Goodman
- 2024-25 Registration deadline - JAN. 30, 2025
- Testing window FEB. 10 - FEB. 21
- Registered students will be contacted with exact date and time
- Exams will be administered at each High School: Mounds View and Irondale
Practice Tests are Available
Practice Tests are available at the MN Bilingual Seals website from the MN Department of Education.
Results from the MDE approved assessment in all 4 language modalities (listening, reading, speaking and writing) will indicate which Bilingual Seals or World Language Certificate the student will receive:
- Bilingual Platinum Seal - ACTFL Advanced Low
- Bilingual Gold Seal - ACTFL Intermediate High
- World Language Certificate - ACTFL Intermediate Low
Depending on the proficiency level received through an approved assessment and meeting all English Language Arts requirements, the student may receive the following FREE College Semester Credits with a Minnesota State College and universities
Notes: *Seals received are notated on the student’s high school Transcript upon graduation
**Students must request the college semester credits within three academic years of graduation and upon enrollment in a Minnesota State college or university.
***The actual amount of credit may vary depending on the institution.
HOW TO ACCESS THE COLLEGE CREDITS when awarded with a Certificate or Seal:
- Students must be enrolled in a Minnesota State Colleges and Universities* institution. * Note the University of Minnesota is an independent system that is not part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.
- Students must make a request for college credit. Students should work with the admission office or advisor. In some cases, scholarship may be impacted by receiving extra credit. Therefore, students should consult with appropriate personnel or offices at the institution.
- Students have taken a test when in grades 10, 11, or 12.
- Students may be required to submit an official high school transcript.
- There is a three-year window to make a request after a high school graduation.
MDE Frequently Asked Questions LINK
Malika Sadi-Goodman
(651) 621-6060
MN Student Survey
The Minnesota Student Survey has been conducted in schools across our state every three years since 1989. This useful information about students’ thoughts and behaviors helps communities and schools develop effective programs and provide better services for students.
Our school district will invite students in the 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th grades to participate in February 2025.
Questions on the survey are about many topics relating to young people’s lives. The survey asks about
- how well school is going
- future plans
- out-of-school activities
- physical and mental health
- relationships
- substance use
- sexual behavior (high school students only)
The survey is administered online. Students may read the questions or have the questions read to them through the technology they use to access the survey.
The survey will take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. Several questions will only be shown if a previous question is answered in a certain way. This means most students will not be asked all questions.
Families are welcome to review a copy of the 2025 Survey. Surveys are available for review in each school office (during office hours) or at the Mounds View District Center, 4570 Victoria Street North, Shoreview (between 8 am and 4 pm daily). Families may also request a copy of the 2025 Minnesota Student Survey by sending an email to assessment@moundsviewschools.
- 2025 Minnesota Student Survey Level 1 (Grade 5)
- 2025 Minnesota Student Survey Level 2 (Grade 8)
- 2025 Minnesota Student Survey Level 3 (Grades 9 & 11 and ALL ALC Students)
The Minnesota Department of Education will not allow the surveys to be sent electronically.
The survey is anonymous and confidential. To prevent individuals or families from being identified, students do not provide their names, student identification numbers or personal information. The results are reported on our students as a whole.
During the survey administration, students may decline to answer any part of the survey or the whole survey. They will be reminded of this before they begin the survey.
Should a family choose not to have their student take the survey, please complete the bottom of the Passive Consent Notice to Parents (linked below) and return it directly to the student’s school.
- Passive Consent Notice to Parents Plan to Survey Students 2025 Minnesota Student Survey (English)
- Aviso de consentimiento implícito para los padres Plan para realizar una encuesta a los estudiantes Encuesta estudiantil, Minnesota 2025. (Spanish)
- Daim Ntawv Ceeb Toom Rau Niam Txiv Txog Kev Pom Zoo Yuav Npaj Los Soj Ntsuam Cov Tub Ntxhais Kawm Kev Soj Ntsuam Cov Tub Ntxhais Kawm Hauv Minnesota (Hmong)
- Ogeysiiska Ogolaanshaha Dadban ee Waalidiinta Qorshaja lagu sahaminayo ee Ardayda. 2025 Sahanka Ardayda Minnesota (Somali)
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact:
Mary Stobb
Mounds View Schools Director of Research, Evaluation and Assessment
Additional information:
Minnesota Department of Education website
State, county and district results for 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022 are also available:
online interactive reports
Achievement & Integration Plan Summary
Research Request Information
District approval to conduct research at Mounds View Public Schools is managed and granted through the office of Assessment and Evaluation.
We support giving reasonable access to individuals, institutions and organizations to conduct approved research projects in Mounds View Public Schools, while protecting and contributing to the district’s primary responsibility of providing a premier education for all. We prioritize the privacy of all student data and the interests of students, staff and families when evaluating any proposal.
Who may conduct research?
We encourage Mounds View employees seeking higher degrees to improve their practice to conduct research in the District toward the completion of thesis, dissertations and capstones. Students, professors and researchers from institutions of higher education seeking to conduct research on the effects of solid pedagogical methods may also apply for research approval. Outside organizations and institutions performing research on educational methods and policy can also apply, though it must be noted that Mounds View Schools does not engage in market research for commercial interests.
What is the role of the Office of Assessment and Evaluation in this process?
All research involving Mounds View students, staff or schools must be approved by the office of Assessment and Evaluation. We work to ensure that research projects provide benefit to Mounds View Public Schools, that research methods employed are sound and feasible, and that data collected by the researcher or provided by the district are handled appropriately to protect student privacy per Mounds View Public Schools policy and government regulations. The approval of relevant school principals and/or district administrators is also required before any research can begin.
How are applications evaluated?
Once we have documentation related to the research request, proposals are brought to the Mounds View Instructional Cabinet monthly meeting. The Instructional Cabinet consults with Assessment and Evaluation staff, District content experts and other administrators, as needed, to evaluate all research proposals and verify the viability of participation in the research study.
How do I apply?
Submit the following documentation to Mary Stobb, Assistant Director of Assessment and Evaluation:
- A copy of the Institutional Review Board Paperwork
- Description of how participants (ie. schools, student, &/or staff) will be selected and what their participation involves
- A copy of the consent form to be used (ie. staff, student, and/or family)
- Access to supporting documents: Survey Questions, Interview Questions, Observation Protocols, etc
- General timeline for the activities related to the study
- End of project activities (i.e. How will you share your research results with the Mounds View Public Schools)
Contact Mary Stobb, in the Office of Assessment and Evaluation, through mail, email, phone, or personal appointment:
Mounds View ISD 621
4570 Victoria Street North
Shoreview, MN 55126
Phone: 651-621-6042
Cell Phone: 651-769-5267
FAX: 651-621-6026